Butkara 1

Name of Site :Butkara 1

Location: Saidu Sharif

Perrod of Founation: 3rd century BC

Butkara 1, is a site of great stupa mostly in ruined form, present the evolution of stupa form. At the site a succession of six stupas were built in proximity to each other. Each successive structure built on top of or enclosing the preceding one. The first of these stupas were built about the 3rd century BC. is a simple affair directly resting on the ground. After rising vertically to some height, it inclines inwards on a gentle curve to form a dome. its structure consists of stone boulders and small slabs carefully laid but without any real horizontal coursing. The dome proper consists of somewhat larger elongated slabs of schist with corners knocked off to give a curve. Externally it is devoid of any projection or any other architectural element.

Over time the basic stupa form was refined and enlarged in successive stages until a highly sophisticated form was developed. By the time the fourth stupa was built it was no longer a singular mass of masonry but was divided into two distinct tiers both cylindrical but with the upper set slightly backward from the lower. Wall faces were divided into panels by means of pilasters with capital and base.